Hotels, Pubs and Restaurant Insurance

As the owner of a hotel or a pub in the UK, having the appropriate insurance is imperative to make sure your hospitality business, staff and customers are protected. With a number of risks that could potentially affect your business, such as theft, flooding and compensation claims from customers if things go wrong, you need to make sure that you have the right cover in place.

A robust risk management and insurance programme can help your hotel business to respond quickly, maintain continuity and manage your reputation.

Find out how HISL Brokers Limited can help you to manage any potential risks and protect your staff, customers, buildings and equipment within a comprehensive insurance solution.

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Types of insurance cover your nightclubs, bars and restaurants business may require

Insurance programmes for hotel or a pub would typically include a combination of the following cover:

  • Business contents insurance: It is important to have insurance in place to protect the interior contents of your hotel or pub. This can include things such as fixtures and fittings, equipment and any furniture – for example carpets, lamps, beds, tables and glasses. When taking out a policy of this type, make sure you add up the value of all items, as this could be a costly mistake in the event of a claim if you do not have enough cover in place.
  • Business assets and equipment insurance: Provides cover for the things that your hotel or pub business needs to operate, such as computers, cleaning materials and stock,
  • Public liability insurance: Provides protection if you an individual suffers an injury during a stay at your hotel, or if their property is lost or damaged in your pub, it will give you some protection in the event of a claim.
  • Employers’ liability cover: This is a compulsory type of insurance for employers, regardless of whether the member of staff is permanent, temporary, volunteer, contractor or freelancer. The minimum level of protection is £5m, which will cover the cost of compensation claims if staff get injured or fall ill as a result of carrying out their required duties.
  • Buildings insurance: If you own the freehold for your hotel or pub, then you need to take out buildings insurance to protect your most expensive asset. The policy will provide cover in the event of flooding, a fire or theft.
  • Business interruption insurance: Provides cover for financial losses if your hotel or pub business can’t operate from its normal premises due to fire, major theft or a flood. This includes things like loss of income and rent and will help to keep your business operating if the worst should happen.
  • Stock insurance: Provides cover in the event that your stock (such as food and drinks) is damaged through fire or flooding, or if it is stolen.
  • Theft of takings: If you take payments in cash, then you may want added protection in case of theft from you, anyone working for you or your premises.


These are just examples of some of the types of hotel and pubs insurance policies that we look after at HISL Brokers Limited.

What insurance do I need for my hotels and pubs business?

For hotel owners and landlords, employers’ liability insurance is the only type of business insurance that you are legally required to have if you employ staff (regardless of whether they are permanent or temporary). However, the other types of hotels and pubs insurance can help to provide important financial reassurance in the event of things going wrong, even if they aren’t mandatory, and should be considered in order to ensure that your business is properly protected.

If you are responsible for the running of a hotels and pubs business of any kind you should consider taking out a tailored insurance programme. The wide variety of risks to both the staff and customers create the need for an insurance solution that provides comprehensive protection.

We know that no two hotels and pubs businesses are the same, so speak to us today to find out which policies will best meet your needs.

The cost of hotels and pubs insurance

The combined premiums that you will pay for your hotels and pubs insurance programme depends on the level of cover that you need and the breadth of risk that your business is exposed to.

It is crucial to ensure that you are properly protected in the event of an incident occurring. With that in mind, at HISL Brokers Limited we will take the time to understand the specific needs of your business and recommend the amount of cover that is best suited to you.

Importantly, we work tirelessly on your behalf to present your business to potential insurers as accurately as possible so that premiums are completely appropriate to your risk exposure.

Insuring your hotels and pubs business

HISL Brokers Limited is well placed to provide you with the professional support to review your current insurance programme and assess where you might be at risk from underinsurance, or even paying for excessive cover.

We understand that hotels and pubs businesses face unique risks and challenges on a day-to-day basis, and that you need bespoke insurance that works for you and gives you the level of cover that is appropriate to the risks that you face.

Give your business the protection that it deserves today – if you want to find out how much piece on mind costs, contact the team on + 44 (0)207 220 9020 or +44 (0)161 513 0430