Prestige car insurance could provide you with a completely tailored policy. It can provide complete protection in the event that your car is damaged or stolen, providing you with the reassurance that you need.
High-end car insurance offers an enhanced amount of cover when compared to a standard car insurance policy, which can give you the confidence to get out on the road and enjoy the features of your high-value car to their full potential.
You can choose to have cover for things like vehicle recovery (in the event of a breakdown or accident), imported left-hand drive vehicles, legal feels, replacement locks if your keys are lost or stolen, and damage to your vehicles’ windscreens and windows for an extra cost. In addition, you may also choose to pay for access to a courtesy car of the same standard in the event that yours needs to be repaired, any modifications that have been made to the car as well as private licence plate cover, personal accident cover and personal possession cover.
These are just examples of some of the types of prestige car insurance policies that we look after at HISL Brokers Limited. As we know that no two individuals are the same, speak to us today to find out which policies will best meet your needs.