Would you be able to cope financially if you were to go through a period of long-term sickness? If you are your family’s sole earner or you have dependents, it can be sensible to consider critical illness cover in case the unexpected should happen.
As no-one can predict the future, it’s likely that if you were to be diagnosed with a serious illness, you would want to make sure that life could carry on for your family. Therefore, having a critical illness insurance policy in place in advance will ensure you and your family are protected and limit the risk of any financial burdens occurring.
The lump sum that you receive will be made in a one-off payment (paid free of UK income and capital gains taxes), and you may use this how you wish. For example, you may choose to cover your mortgage or rent payments, meet living or medical expenses, pay for childcare bills or take a once-in-a-lifetime holiday with your family.