Communication, Media & Technology Insurance 

A robust risk management and insurance programme can help your communication, media and technology business to respond quickly, maintain continuity and manage your reputation.

Find out how HISL Brokers Limited can help you to manage any potential risks and protect your staff, customers, buildings and equipment within a comprehensive insurance solution.

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Types of insurance cover your communication, media and technology business may require

Insurance programmes for communication, media and technology businesses would typically include a combination of the following cover:

  • Insurance to protect the production of adverts: Commonly advert suppliers are relied upon to provide insurance protection for the production of an advert. A production insurance program offers an insurance solution for your advertising production needs. The perfect solution for protection from third party premiums that would otherwise be passed on to yourself. The communication, media & technology industry requires extensive advertising, whether it be offline or online. Insurance protecting the production of adverts gives you total peace of mind that your advert production is protected at all times. 
  • Cyber risk consulting for communications: The communication, media & technology industry is leading the way in disruptive technologies, and with such a dependency on technology comes a need for managing risk. Over the past few decades, the severity of cyber risks has become apparent, and the potential loss caused by these events can be concerning. Cyber risk consulting offers a comprehensive solution to managing your company’s risk. 
  • Technology professional indemnity insurance: With so many clients relying on technology for communication and media, it’s important that you have insurance in place to cover you from fraud, dishonesty of employees, network security costs, cyber liability and so much more. 
  • Employers’ liability insurance: This is a compulsory type of insurance for employers, regardless of whether the member of staff is permanent, temporary, volunteer, contractor or freelancer. The minimum level of protection is £5m, which will cover the cost of compensation claims if staff get injured or fall ill as a result of carrying out their required duties.
  • Commercial buildings and contents insurance: Provides cover for your business premises in the event of flooding, a fire or theft. 
  • Business interruption insurance: Provides cover for financial losses if your business can’t operate from its premises as normal as a result of a fire, major theft or a flood. 
  • Intellectual Property insurance: Your IP may well be your most valuable asset. IP Insurance could cover the cost of enforcement, pursuing or defending claims for IP infringements.


These are just examples of some of the types of communication, media and technology insurance policies that we look after at HISL Brokers Limited. 

What insurance do I need for my communication, media and technology business?

If you are responsible for the running of a communication, media and technology business you should consider taking out a tailored insurance programme. The wide variety of risks to both the business, staff and customers create the need for an insurance solution that provides comprehensive protection.

We know that no two communication, media and technology businesses are the same, so speak to us today to find out which policies will best meet your needs.

The cost of communication, media and technology insurance

The combined premiums that you will pay for your communication, media and technology insurance programme depends on the level of cover that you need and the breadth of risk that your business is exposed to.

It is crucial to ensure that you are properly protected in the event of an incident occurring. With that in mind, at HISL Brokers Limited we will take the time to understand the specific needs of your business and recommend the amount of cover that is best suited to you.

Importantly, we work tirelessly on your behalf to present your business to potential insurers as accurately as possible so that premiums are completely appropriate to your risk exposure.

Insuring your communication, media and technology business

HISL Brokers Limited is well placed to provide you with the professional support to review your current insurance programme and assess where you might be at risk from underinsurance, or even paying for excessive cover.

We understand that communication, media and technology businesses face unique risks and challenges on a day-to-day basis, and that you need bespoke insurance that works for you and gives you the level of cover that is appropriate to the risks that you face.

Give your business the protection that it deserves today – if you want to find out how much peace of mind costs, contact Paul Kerner by calling: (0)20 7220 9020.

HISL is sad to announce the passing of Brian Spevack.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Coral and the rest of his family